Matt Gregory SIOR®, CCIM

Executive Managing Director

605 S Front Street, Suite 200 | Columbus, Ohio 43215

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614-629-5234 office | 614-937-6501 mobile

614-937-6501 mobile

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Team Affiliation

Senior Vice President
Office Brokerage Group


Office Leasing & Investment Sales
Tenant & Buyer Representation
Real Estate Investment Trusts
Medical Office Buildings
Non-Profit Organizations
Bank Owned Property
Corporate Services
Sale Leasebacks


Jenna Loxterman
(614) 629-5227

With more than 20 years of commercial real estate experience, 马特·格雷戈里已经确立了自己作为未来的行业领导者和俄亥俄州中部最杰出的经纪人之一. 马特在所有房地产类型上都取得了巨大的成功,但他擅长的是办公室销售, investments, and leasing. He has completed more than 1,在他的波音bbin中进行了200次交易,并代表了俄亥俄州中部一些最重要的发展和组织.

During his senior year of college, Matt joined NAI Ohio Equities as a marketing intern, 后来发展成为资讯科技总监的全职职位. 在这个职位上,马特帮助公司建立了数字营销业务. In 2006, Matt became a licensed agent and in 2009, 他与人共同创立了办公室经纪集团,这是该地区最顶尖的办公室制作团队之一,他在该集团担任高级副总裁已有十多年.

Now, as Executive Managing Director, Matt负责开发NAI Ohio Equities经纪部门的增长和运营战略,其中包括专注于招聘, development, and retention of new associates. 他最近宣布,为新员工推出了NAI俄亥俄证券快速通道培训计划,并为该公司的首批学员提供指导. Matt remains the main point of contact for key relationships, 并积极地帮助公司的代理人驾驭新的业务和谈判. 他也是该公司战略规划和社区参与委员会的成员.

与Matt合作的客户受益于NAI的全球资源和小团队的个人接触. What sets Matt apart is his dedication to client communication. 他首先清楚地了解客户的需求,然后制定一个全面的行动计划和时间表. 在整个过程中,马特让客户了解和了解情况. 最终的结果是,他的客户对他们的房地产机会做出高度知情的决定感到自信.

马特一直被公认为CoStar电力经纪人和俄亥俄州中部商业信息交换(COCIE)顶级生产商. 他曾被Columbus Realtors评为Top 10 Under 40的获奖者,并担任Columbus Commercial Industrial Investment Realtors (CCIIR)的总裁。. 他曾担任Columbus Realtors的商业顾问委员会主席,并担任Building Worthington 's Future的前任总裁. 他曾是哥伦布州立大学(Columbus State)的兼职教授,并经常在房地产小组会议上发表演讲. Matt也是哥伦布市仅有的15名同时拥有SIOR和CCIM认证的代理商之一.

Matt毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,获得传播学学士学位. He is active in the Worthington community, regularly volunteering his time to civic organizations, non-profits, and economic development committees. 除了代表几个非营利组织解决他们的房地产需求, 马特在个人和职业上都支持他们的慈善事业.

Click here to view Office Brokerage Group website

What do you like most about Commercial Real Estate?

我喜欢与许多不同行业的企业合作,学习每个行业的运作方式. 它使我们能够掌握当地和国家经济的脉搏,并掌握最新趋势和推动商业发展的因素. 我们每天与客户进行的最有趣的对话都是围绕着如何使他们的企业成功展开的. 我们的客户反过来也从我们帮助类似企业实现其房地产目标的经验中受益.

What separates us from our competition?

We are Creative, Responsive and Experienced (CRE). Not only do we strive to be the best communicators in the industry, but we also think outside the box in order to get the job done. We return every phone call promptly, 并以同样的关注和尊重对待每一位客户和潜在客户. 我们有丰富的经验,使我们能够面对各种情况做好准备, 反过来,为我们的客户提供所有必要的事实,以做出明智的决定.

Describe a memorable transaction:

我们帮卡梅隆·米切尔餐厅搬迁总部的时候, we had a unique situation arise during one of our tours. 这是12月初一个寒冷的早晨,外面下着雨. 巡演进行到一半,我们把车停到了下一站,那是竞技场区的一个建筑工地. 看着这条100英尺长的路,我们必须在泥泞中踏上, 我们的客户告诉我们,他们宁愿跳过这一站,继续下一站. 我们向他们解释说,这不仅会让我们在下一站之前有很大的时间间隔, but we were confident this stop was well worth the inconvenience. By the end of the hard hat tour, 他们把目光投向了9个月后搬进来的房子. 如果我们那天早上不去那一站,我不知道它是否还会留在混合中. 那天我们学到的教训是永远相信自己的直觉,千方百计.

What is your favorite neighborhood/area of Columbus/Central Ohio?

Shortly after we graduated from Ohio State, 我妻子和我意识到我们和沃辛顿地区有很强的联系. 我们在俄亥俄州中部生活了二十年,大部分时间都把这个地区称为家. 我认为沃辛顿吸引我们的主要原因是它的历史感, walkable amenities and centralized location, both downtown and the other northern submarkets. 多年来,我加入了包括沃辛顿AM扶轮社在内的几个组织,在社区中扎下了很深的根, the Old Worthington Partnership, 沃辛顿社区改善公司,并担任圣迈克尔学校的体育主任.

  • CoverMyMeds Logo
  • Healthcare Realty Trust logo
  • IBP logo
  • Furniture Bank logo
  • Cameron Mitchell Restaurants logo


Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana

“我对NAI Ohio Equities的办公室经纪团队和业务主管Matt Gregory印象深刻. 该团队的热情、战略专长和对客户服务的承诺是一流的. 无论是在我们提出问题之前就预测到问题,还是根据他们丰富的经验提供持续的解决方案和建议, 或者执行财务和风险分析来支持我们的决策,或者做一些简单的事情,比如为营销目的收集文件, the team exceeded our expectations, 还有一些令人耳目一新的东西是关于全天候可用性和团队通过利用团队其他成员的专业知识的单一联系点提供的即时响应. 马特采取了一个复杂而令人费解的过程,并以一种易于理解的方式向我们的团队和董事会传达了旅程中的每个里程碑. 我会毫不保留地向任何人推荐Sandy Simpson和Matt Gregory,因为他们致力于建立长期的诚信关系,而不仅仅是完成一笔交易."

Andrew Roberts, Chief Operating Officer

Building Industry Association of Central Ohio

"I have worked with Andy Dutcher & Matt Gregory on two separate searches. Each search had different parameters, requirements and needs. 每次他们都提供了各种各样的选择,他们的经验帮助他们获得了很棒的房产. Additionally, they don't just stop at the selection of properties, they leverage their relationships with architects, 承包商和家具/设计公司,以确保一个伟大的成果."

Jon Melchi, Executive Director

Furniture Bank of Central Ohio

"Working with Matt Gregory and Andy Dutcher was fantastic. They were both very energetic and knowledgeable, responding quickly to our various needs and questions. Both are very personable, understood our needs, and strongly supported our effort to start a social enterprise. I would highly recommend them both."

Steve Votaw, CEO

9042 Heritage Drive

“当我的公司要把我们的房产官方直营bbin时,Andy Dutcher和NAI Ohio Equities强烈推荐给我. Andy offered very personal attention to our listing; offering excellent knowledge of the local market and providing appropriate guidance on pricing. 挂牌和出售都很顺利,我说什么都不为过! 我强烈建议并鼓励任何想在俄亥俄州中部租赁/购买或出售商业地产的人联系安迪!"

Ian Kimmel, Polar Development Company, LLC

Case Studies

Top Transactions

  • PNC Plaza | 478,672 SF | 23 Transactions (Sale & Lease)
  • PNL Office Portfolio | 679,225 SF | 17 Transactions (Sale & Lease)
  • Genesis Healthcare System | 197,346 SF | 35 Transactions (Lease)
  • CoverMyMeds | 170,514 SF | 6 Transactions (Lease)
  • Parkstone Capital | 275,299 SF | 2 Transactions (Sale)
  • Franklinton Development Partners | 12 Acres (Sale)
  • Installed Building Products | 438,347 SF | 26 Transactions (Lease)
  • 俄亥俄中部神经外科医生| 38,891 SF | 955 Eastwind Dr (Sale)
  • Healthcare Realty | 106,820 SF | 17 Transactions (Lease)
  • Dublin Techmart | 206,304 SF | 34 Transactions (Lease)
  • Cameron Mitchell Restaurants | 16,846 SF | The Buggyworks (Lease)
  • MB Real Estate | 111,978 SF | 20 Transactions (Lease)
  • Day Companies | 63,247 SF | 23 Transactions (Lease)
  • 俄亥俄州中部家具银行| 124,898平方英尺| 3笔交易(租赁)
  • Busch Office Portfolio | 443,735 SF | 12 Transactions (Sale & Lease)


BA, Communication
The Ohio State University, 2003

Awards and Recognition

NAI Ohio Equities Top Producer, 2008-Present
Co-Star Power Broker, 2011-2016
Columbus REALTORS®, Top 10 Under 40, 2014
Columbus REALTORS®,COCIE奖,最大办公楼销售,2015年,2021年,2022年
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Largest Office Lease, 2022
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Largest Retail Sale, 2021
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Largest Retail Lease, 2021, 2022
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Largest Industrial Lease, 2021
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Most Co-Ops, 2021
Columbus REALTORS®, COCIE Award, Top Producer, 2021, 2022


Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR)
Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM)
OAR, Director
CCIIR, Past President
CORPAC Governing Board
COCIE Office Advisory Board
Columbus Realtors, Past Commercial Chair

Community Involvement

FC Bank Advisory Member, 2022-Present
Worthington Community Improvement Corporation, 2019-Present
Building Worthington's Future, Past President, 2018-Present
Worthington Chamber of Commerce, Incoming Chairman, 2017-Present
Worthington Tax Incentive Review Council, 2015-Present
Worthington AM Rotary, Past President, 2015-Present: Membership Chair, Sergeant at Arms, Volunteer at Worthington Resource Pantry, Columbus Dream Center, Homework Help Center
Worthington Partnership, Past Board Member
Columbus State, Adjunct Real Estate Instructor
Junior Achievement, BizTown Volunteer, Career Speaker Series
Fisher Real Estate Society, Guest Speaker
Furniture Bank, Bed Race Participant, Furniture Woodshop Volunteer
Volunteers of America, Operation Backpack
Ronald McDonald House, Volunteer
Society of Marketing Professional Services Guest Speaker
Home for Families Toy Drive
At Home by High, Senior Citizen Present Delivery
St Vincent De Paul: Adopt a Family

Transaction Volume

Over a 1,200 transactions
$810 million in volume
10,300,000 square feet